TV White Space pilot project

Question = TV White Space pilot project initiated by Microsoft first time in India in the City ?

Answer = Srikakulam (Andhra Pradesh) The city is believed to have been founded by Balarama. Srikakulam was formerly called Gulshanabad (Garden city) during Muslim rule and was headquarter of Muslim fauzdars. It was renamed as Chicacole by British colonial rulers; after independence, it was renamed Srikakulam.
Nestled between the Bay of Bengal and the Eastern Ghats, Srikakulam is a little town with a lot of history. Formerly known as Gulshanabad, or the garden city during the Mughal rule, it was renamed 'Chicacole' by British colonial rulers and finally came to be known as Srikakulam.
It is here, one fine morning that students from Kasturba Gandhi Girls Residency School, a rural girls' school interacted with students from Gakawa Secondary School, Nanyuki along with Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.

The amazing thing is, both the schools are thousands of kilometres apart and in different continents. Nanyuki being in Kenya and Srikakulam in India. These two under-served and isolated rural townships in different continents were able to connect over Skype through the Internet with connectivity enabled by the TV White Space pilot project initiated by Microsoft.
