Mahatma Gandhi, football legend

Question =  In South Africa among the many that sprung up in the early 1900s were two football clubs called thePassive Resisters Soccer Club - one in Johannesburg and the other in Pretoria were forced to shut down in 1936 due to lack of funds and inadequate management.
Name the founder(s) of the two clubs ?

Answer = Mahatma Gandhi, football legend .
South Africa’s long and cherished history of football clubs dates as back as the 1890s with the advent of the first clubs in Durban.

Soon enough, football clubs comprising people of all origins and walks of life took birth across the country – making football one of the most popular sports in the country.

Among the many that sprung up in the early 1900s were two clubs called the Passive Resisters – one in Johannesburg and the other in Pretoria. While the other clubs continued to flourish in the subsequent decades, these two were forced to shut down in 1936 due to lack of funds and inadequate management.
Before finding fame as the driving force of India’s independence struggle, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi began his working life as a young lawyer in South Africa, the same initial career path which Mandela would also later embark upon. Just like Mandela, though some 60 years earlier, Gandhi was soon distracted from his profession by his growing disgust at the country’s laws of racial segregation. Motivated in particular by the daily discrimination suffered by South Africa’s large Indian population, the young Gandhi began formulating the philosophy of non-violent resistance which he would later perfect in India, while also striving to improve the social conditions of his fellow Indians.
Surprisingly perhaps, one of the main tools which he used to spread his ideas in those early days was football.
Mohandas 'Mahatma' Gandhi is still revered as one of the greatest-ever champions of social justice and equality. Here, FIFA World looks at the way in which he used ...
