Lord Hanuman ???

Question =
There is a village in India where worshipping Lord Hanuman is a crime. Name the village and the reason ?
Answer = Drongiri (Arunachal Pradesh).
It is believed that during any problem remembering the name of Anjani Putra Hanuman solves the crisis. But there is a place in India where it is a crime is to even take Lord Hanuman’s name.
Even if a resident of this place takes the name of Lord Hanuman by mistake, he is thrown out of the society.
Actually, the anger of this tribe for Lord Hanuman goes back to the treta yuga. The story behind this is that once Laxman was hurt by the arrow of Meghnath and to cure him, Lord Hanuman was asked to get Sanjeevani herb, which was only available in Drongiri. 
However, on reaching Drongiri, Lord Hanuman was unable to find Sanjeevani and therefore brought the entire mountain with him.
It is said that the residents of Drongiri used to worship this mountain.
Since Lord Hanuman took the mountain people worshipped, they hate him
(Reference :
http://www.speakingtree.in/blog/shocking-a-village-in-india-where-worshipping-lord-hauman-is-a-sin )
